Litter "U-2"
Father Mother
Esbjerg's FELIX L. ROSSI Dajatera*PL
On 12 June 2021, 5 beautiful kittens welcomed the world :)
Pedigree of kittens
Ulani Matylda - black tortie, classic tabby (f 22) - weight born 114g - Mosina
3 months and 5 days old:
7,5 weeks old - weight 1124g
1 month old - weight 635g.
Ussuri - black tortie, classic tabby (f 22) - weight born 120g - Wroclaw
7,5 weeks old - weight 1135g.
1 month old - weight 640g
Uran - black, classic tabby ( n 22 ) - weight born 116g - Czarnków
7,5 weeks old - weight 1150g
1 month old - weight 659g.
Urwis Jr - black with white, classic tabby (n 09 22) - weight born 87g - Sroda Wlkp
7,5 weeks old - weight 1148g.
1 month old - weight 621g.
Urmika - black tortie, spotted (f 24) - weight born 123g - stays with us :)
7,5 weeks old - weight 1108g.
1 month old - weight 647g.